Good to see you are lifting yourself (at least partially?) out of the cesspool of left/right, PolyTicks, and choices of the Lesser Evils.

I concur with you:

"The Real Fight is between people who desire to live as they see fit" and those Global Predators/Rulers who desire to fit people into how they want them to live.

The word that needs to be applied here is VOLUNTARY.

IF all human interactions WERE VOLUNTARY THEN there would be no violence (other than voluntary blood "sports", ugh), period.

The rest of your materialist, Christian "reasoning" I do not agree with, but we have, and presumably will continue to have, disagreements about this.

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If we regarded all persons as having intrinsic value, the incentive for all interactions between them to be voluntary would be greatly increased. Christianity, for me, supplies the best basis for the intrinsic value of all persons. But, yes, sadly, I imagine we will continue to disagree on whether Christianity or materialism supplies the most factually adequate, logically consistent, and existentially satisfying worldview.

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I agree with you that all humans SHOULD embody intrinsic, non-sacrificial, highest value and that IF that were the case (however that mind state were voluntarily achieved) THEN we would have a Voluntary society.

I disagree that Christianity "supplies the best basis for the intrinsic value".

When I view the horrible, bloody, history of Christianity and all (find me an exception please) other religions, I do not find a base for Voluntaryism there.

About Materialism, you know we have an ongoing disagreement about that topic. I think of Alan Watts

MATERIALISM—ALAN WATTS, Motiversity, April 18, 2021. 9:18

“Americans have the undeserved reputation of being authors of the most materialistic civilization that ever existed, the undeserved reputation, because never was there a culture so completely unmaterialistic. I define a materialist as a person who loves material….” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlu2WovV-Vg

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